Entity — A disembodied "consciousness"
commonly referred to as a ghost, spirit or (if of an apparently malicious or resentful nature) demon. EVP — Electronic Voice Phenomena:
disembodied "voices" and sounds imprinted on audio recording devices. Exorcism — Ceremonial expulsion
of invading spiritual/demonic entities from a person or dwelling. Floating Orb — Spherical image, usually translucent white though sometimes of a reddish or bluish hue, which inexplicably registers
on film and videotape. Haunting — Manifestation of a
ghostly presence, attached to a specific locale. Intelligent Haunting — A haunting
that knows you're there and interacts with you. Materialization — When a ghost
appears; can be sudden or gradual, indistinct or seemingly quite solid. Residual Haunting — Psychic imprint
of a scene that is repeatedly played out, and in which the witness of the phenomenon essentially is peering into the past.
The ghostly participants of these time-displacements often seem unaware of their living observers Vortex — A gateway that opens
from the spirit world, like a rip in our dimension, and lets entities from the other side enter our world. |